The Accountability Edge

Date: 21st June 2024

Venue: Virtual/Online

Program Brief

The Accountability Edge program is designed to foster a culture of accountability within organizations. This program helps individuals understand the importance of personal and team accountability and equips them with the tools to hold themselves and others accountable for their actions and outcomes. Our training focuses on practical implementation to ensure sustainable results.

– Managers and supervisors responsible for team performance.

– Leaders aiming to cultivate a culture of accountability within their teams.

– Employees looking to take ownership of their roles and responsibilities.

– HR professionals focused on improving organizational accountability.

– Interactive workshops and accountability exercises.

– Group discussions and real-world case studies.

– Tools and frameworks for implementing accountability.

– Peer-to-peer learning and feedback sessions.

– Understanding the principles and benefits of accountability.

– Techniques for setting clear expectations and goals.

– Strategies for giving and receiving constructive feedback.

– Improved ability to foster a culture of accountability within teams.

₹20,000 per participant.